Take a moment to look around you. Many things are being converted to some electronic form. Mail became e-mail and now books can be read on a tablet or laptop. It's true. There's a new service launching called Netflix for Books. The name is a dead give-away. Not only can you watch your favorite movies and TV shows on Netflix but you can now purchase and read books.
Here's the big questions:
How will this effect the future of publishing and buying books?
Personally, I believe this new service will be extremely successful. People already use electronics for other hobbies such as painting, writing, and creating music. Who's to say that being able to access all of your personal pleasures from the click of a button will fail?
Would I use Netflix for Books?
Yes, I would. Don't get me wrong. I love the smell and feel of a fresh novel in my hands but if I can save some room in my already heavy book bag I will.
Libraries may, however, be in danger. If everyone can obtain that hot, new teen-angst love book from the world wide web, I don't think many people will feel the need to visit their local library.
Think green, people. By converting all of our books from paper to screen is saving a lot of trees in the long run. Online books would definitely be an efficient alternative to printing paper.
That's all, folks.
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