Semiotics can be defined as the study of signs or symbols. It is used to analyze images that you can see everywhere. Sometimes, you need to dig a big deeper to understand why a particular image gives you chills or makes you smile.
For the purpose of this blog, I wanted to choose an image I found to be a bit more difficult for me. Seeing that I've analyzed advertisements and commercials before, I chose an image from a movie.
Donnie Darko, now slipping its way into the cult classic category, was released in 2001. It was created and produced by Richard Kelly. This image can be found towards the end of the movie. If you've ever watched this movie, you know exactly what the main character, Donnie Darko, is doing here.
For the purpose of this semiotic analysis, let's pretend we don't.
The techniques used to attract your attention to this image seem to be all within the shot. The exact center of this image is focused on neither Donnie or the oncoming storm. However, you seem to continuously go back to the two of them.
red flag in this image is the fact the this young man is watching what seems to be a dangerous, oncoming storm.
This image was created to represent a relationship between this boy and this storm. (Further details can be found in the movie, but I will keep this simple.)
I believe it is the positioning of these two that keeps the viewers' attention. There is an empty space between the two, leaving you with two things to look at. So which will you choose? Both.
lighting is also an important factor in keeping eyes on the image.
Look closely. Where do you see the light in this image? There are only two places I see that seem to have key lighting in place. The first is in the middle of the storm. It doesn't seem like natural light you would expect to find in a storm. It is much brighter. The second is not on the reflection of the car but instead on Donnie's side/back.
You can see that the reflection is not quite as bright as the light on Donnie's back. Much like the light in the storm, this light seems unnatural.
To me, these lights seem to be a signifier. What do you honestly think of when you see a bright, unnatural light coming from a peculiar place in the sky? My mind quickly shifts gears and heads straight down Supernatural Lane. (That is what is signified).
However, when these lights become a red flag, that means the darkness (
signifier) must become one, as well. You see the light in the oncoming storm is above the darkness. Perhaps this symbolizes some greater purpose to the storm. (Darkness can signify evil) The dark is almost entirely devouring, Donnie. These observations in mind, we could safely say there is some definite relationship between Donnie and this storm.
The storm seems to have more light than Donnie himself has. This can represent an imbalance or an exchange between the two.
There are several
ideologies that can be found in this image.
The battle of light and darkness, for example. This idea has existed for years upon years. You can find it in several religions and stories. It can be found all over the world. However, sometimes these two forces are not battling as much as they are coming together. An example of this is the Yin Yang symbol. This is the idea I get from this image. Rather than Donnie and the storm battling, they seem to be part of some greater power or agreement.
There is in fact a
manifestation of power in this image. The relaxed nature of Donnie is a representation of a fearless, powerful trait. He is watching this
HUGE storm from the roof of a car as if he is watching the sun set.
An image with no words is just as fun to analyze than ads and commercials. You really have to gather information not based on words but on the prior knowledge as well as the image alone.
Works cited:
In class lectures.
Siefkes, Martin (2010). Power in society, economy, and mentality: Towards a semiotic theory of power. Semiotica 2010 (181):225-261.