Sunday, February 1, 2015

Academic Source: Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools by Roey Izhaki

Life On Cassette will require lots of work (writing, editing, crying over writer's block...). Something that I am interested in mastering during the building on this project is mixing audio. Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices, and Tools by Roey Izhaki is going to be mixing bible for the next couple of months.

From what I have read thus far, it is very descriptive and helpful. It begins by explaining what mixing is, how it was created, and why it is important.

Then it teaches you methods that you can use when it comes time to mix your work. Izhaki leads you by the hand through the entire editing process. It is very useful.

So far, it is very interesting to me the way that the author lays out all of the information. He describes three methods that is used when learning to mix: read about mixing, see and hear mixing, or just doing it.

It sounds simple but there's a whole lot more to it. Izhaki really asks the important questions that you should be asking when you are listening to audio: How are the instruments panned? Is the volume balanced between instruments? How long are the reverbs? 

Perhaps my favorite part about this book so far is the example used on page 26. Roey Izhaki analyzes Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. He breaks each sound down into seconds and describes what you will hear. It's incredible, really.

During my project, Roey Izhaki's book will prove itself to be a very helpful resource.

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