Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Visit From The Rhyme Fairy

Image result for gnome pathfinderWith unexpected twists and turns, I've also had unexpected visits from the Inspiration Gnome (seen to the right). She brought her plus on, the Rhyme Fairy (seen to the left with her Corgi, Lyric), and we chatted for a while.

Image result for fairy pathfinderIn other words, I've mostly been working on music. I've continued to try new samples to mix into my music with the lovely resources found in the CC mixer.

My resume draft is on its way to completion.

I have bought supplies for my project: CDs, CD cases, and the image to print on each one. Needless to say, I am very excited to see how it turns out!

The next part of this process is getting it all together and finish the editing. I still have some writing and recording to finish so I am really busting to tail to get it all done! I am currently home for my great granny's funeral but will be back to the grind as soon as Monday morning.

As far as my campaign goes, I am working on my promotion plan and trying to find a good tie-in for my project.


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