Sunday, March 22, 2015

Talking Nonsense & Analogies: My progress on My Capstone

As a terrible musician I know this to be true: Sometimes the music comes to you and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and absolutely have to get a pen, paper, and my guitar because I am inspired. Sometimes I sit on my bed, guitar in hand, crying, kicking, and screaming because I want to write but everything sounds stupid.

I have come up with an analogy for what this project has made me feel like when it comes to playing and writing: 

Writing when you're not inspired but must write is like popping the worst kind of pimple. The kind that it ready to be popped but has no head so you grab some tweezers and squeeze as hard as you can, and hope an alien doesn't burst out. 

I am happy to say I have completed all four songs for Life On Cassette. Above, you can see track 3, Rest & Comfort while in the recording process. I have finished editing them and will be putting them on CD's tomorrow afternoon. 

My gofundme activity has slowed down in comparison to the first couple of weeks it was up. I am currently at $115. My original goal was $100 but my director, Matt Kushin, encouraged me to raise the bar to $300. 

My page, These Maps, has a total of 71 likes (just a mere 29 likes short). 

My key audiene analysis is complete and I went as far as to make an example of the type of person I feel may like my music and campaign. 

My binder is on its way to completion! I am a little stumped on my business cards. I'm not sure what to put on them. I'm going to go with my gut and just write up what I want my future business card to look like. 

My resume is complete and I'm collecting references tomorrow afternoon. I am very nervous about my presentation on Tuesday.  

Tomorrow, I plan on using most of my day getting a presentation ready for my faculty review. 

I feel as though I am always behind, but I did in fact post a video explaining my project onto my gofundme campaign. 

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